Back To Business Network Online "How to Write an American-Style Resume and Cover Letter"

Vendredi 11 février 2022 de 09h30 à 11h30

Are you wondering if your resume looks “American ?” Translating your resume from your native language into English isn’t enough to make it look the way American resumes look. In this webinar, you will learn :

• What American employers look for in a resume and cover letter
• Components of an American resume and cover letter
• How to emphasize your skills and accomplishments
• Resume formats and organization of information
• How to address special problems, such as gaps on a resume
• Strategies for making sure your resume gets to the right person

This interactive webinar will consist of exercises and resume samples to help you write your own, great resume !

A propos de l’intervenante :
Yvonne Lefort, MA, is a career coach and intercultural trainer born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. Over the past 25+ years, she has coached adults in career transition, laid-off workers, re-entry mothers, and college students. Her passion is helping expats find work and create fulfilling lives in America. She has taught job search workshops for SFBA in the past and speaks fluent French. To learn more about Yvonne, please visit her website and connect with her on LinkedIn

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